Who gets to choose
With two kids, I often have to arbitrate between what they both want and make a decision. The choices range from which TV show to watch to which kind of oatmeal we’re going to eat. When handled poorly, making a choice can disappoint or anger anywhere from one to two children. Here are a few techniques I’ve employed and why they work or don’t:
Everyone gets what they want
Distribute devices for everyone to watch their own show, or make two separate breakfasts. This option avoids disappointment in the short term, but often leads to me having to do more - buying more devices, cooking more breakfasts. Do not recommend.
“We had apple oatmeal last time, so this time we’re having berry oatmeal”. Kids understand alternating, but now I’m on the hook to remember our recent history, and my short term memory is really not great. Partially recommend.
Pick a number
“I’m thinking of a number between 1 and 10, and whoever guesses closer gets to pick”. This works to an extent, but the older kid has an advantage where he has more understanding of how to optimize his chances. Partially recommend.
Set up a system without me in the loop
I’ve had luck with systems like “on even number days you get to choose, and on odd number days your sister does”. If I get the kids to agree when we set up the system, it means that if anyone complains I can shrug and point at the system as to blame. Which means I can remove myself from any complaining. A+, would recommend.